Monday, May 13, 2024
Useful Resources for Brilliant Manufacturing, Operational & Industrial Intelligence Technology Enthusiasts!

Keeping an Eye on Technology Futures, No Hidden Agendas, New Attitudes, No Platitudes!

Jim Pinto's Connections for Growth & Success

Engineer - re-engineer yourself

by Jim Pinto | from Pinto's Archive

In the global economy when engineering as well as manufacturing is going offshore, engineering leadership is at risk. Engineers must re-engineer themselves to revitalize their own careers and generate renewed success.

Decades ago, technology brought the era of "specialization" - knowing more and more about less and less. To advance faster you had to focus. But now technology had spread beyond national boundaries. Many emerging countries are developing comparable technical skills. New developments have accelerated to where companies must generate winning strategies beyond narrow technical advantages. Broad leadership vision and teamwork have become important.

If you're an engineer, this is for you. How are YOU doing? Do you still have your nose glued to your job, just hoping that others - Marketing, or Sales, or whatever - don't screw up and you'll get laid-off when your company gets down-sized?

Engineer, broaden your scope. Start thinking about the other factors that affect your success. Heed the advice of engineering guru's to learn "Total Concept Engineering".

Engineer - it's time to re-engineer yourself.

The Art of Leadership

Engineer - re-engineer yourself!

Dick Morley - Marketing is not the dark side

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